CPC 882 - Tóp Esp Geot Condutores Cimentados-Jateados Arg Moles


Estudar o comportamento geotécnico de condutores jateados-cimentados em argilas moles.


Ementa (Syllabus)

i. Abordagem geotécnica de instalação de condutores jateados-cimentados. Efeitos de velocidade de avanço, de pressão e bit stick-out. A importância do Weight on Bit. Comparação de desempenho sob carga entre condutores jateados e jateados-cimentados.



Bibliografia (Bibliography

[1] [1991] Beck, Jackson, Hamilton ~ Reliable Deepwater Structural Casing Installation Using Controlled Jetting

[2] [1993] Awad ~ A Comparision of Jetting and Drilling Techniques for Oil Well Conductor Installation

[3] [1995] Nogueira ~ Jetting in Sandy Sendiments

[4] [2002] Jeanjean ~ Innovative Design Method for Deepwater Casing Design

[5] [2005] Eaton et al ~ Deepwater Batchset Operations Through the Magnolia Shallow Water Flow Sand

[6] [2008] Akers ~ Jetting of Structural Casing in Deepwater Environments

[7] [2010] Yang et al ~ Research of Conductor Setting Depth Using Jetting in the Surface of Deepwater

[8] [2012] Evans, Feyereisen, Rheaume ~ Axial Capacities of Jetted Well Conductors in Angola


[10] [2013] Yang et al ~ Bit Stick-out Calculation for the Deepwater Conductor Jetting Technique

[11] [2014] Wang, Li ~ Numerical Simulation of Jet Excavation in Conductor Jetting Operations

[12] [2014] Zakeri et al ~ Long-Term Axial Capacity of Deepwater Jetted Piles

[13] [2014] Zhou et al ~ Design of Conductor Soaking Time in Deepwater Drilling

[14] [2015] Wang, Gao, Fang ~ Finite Element Analysis of Deepwater Conductor Bearing Capacity

[15] [2016] Meng, W et al - Simulation Experiment and Mechanism Research on the Change of Lateral Friction Against Surface Conductor in Deepwater Drilling

[16] [2016] Prasertamporn, P -  Enhanced Deepwater Conductor Jetting Design for East Malaysia

[17] [2016] Syazwan, M et al - Enhancement of Structural Conductor Design and Execution of Jetting Operations for Ultra-Deepwater Wells in Brunei

[18] [2016] Zhou et al ~ Model and Experimental Study on Jetting Flowrate for Installing Surface Conductor in Deepwater

[19] [2018] Kan et al. - Field experimental investigation of bit stick-out

[20] [2019] Hongshu, W et al - Study on Safety Control Technology of Surface Conductor Jetting Penetration in Ultra-Deep Water Soft Formation Drilling

[21] [2019] Wang, Song ~ Study on Deepwater Conductor Jet Excavation Mechanism in Cohesive Soil

[22] [2021] Liu et al. - A robust and efficient method to geometrically calculate the minimum bit stick out in a deepwater conductor jetting



Fernando Artur Brasil Danziger


Créditos / CH (Credits/ Workload)

3.0 / 45h 
