CPC 887 - Sensoriamento Remoto por Radar Aplicado aos Sistemas Petrolíferos Offshore
Fernando Pellon de Miranda
1- Introdução aos sistemas SAR orbitais;
2- Panorama da aplicação de dados SAR orbitais (RADARSAT-1 e ERS-1/2) na detecção de exsudações de óleo no Golfo do México e Brasil;
3- Utilização de sistemas sensores orbitais (NOAA/AVHRR, GOES-8, TOPEX-POSEIDON, QuikSCAT, SeaWiFS) na geração de informação meteooceanográfica para subsidiar a interpretação de imagens RADARSAT-1;
4- Tecnologias complementares para a caracterização de sistemas petrolíferos (piston cores e modelagem quantitativa de bacias);
5- Monitoramento regional de exsudações e derramamento de óleo empregando dados RADARSAT-1 e ENVISAT na Baía de Campeche, Golfo do México;
6- Detecção de exsudações de óleo nas bacias “offshore” de Campos, Santos, Espírito Santo, Foz do Amazonas e Delta do Niger;
7- Futuro da tecnologia SAR: RADARSAT-2/3.
1- Beisl, C.H., C.L. Silva Junior, and F.P. Miranda, 2000, Combined use of RADARSAT-1 and AVHRR data for the identification of mesoscale oceanic features in the Campos Basin, Brazil: Proceedings of the International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine & Coastal Environments, Charleston, May 2000.
2- Berry, J.L., and G.L. Prost, 1998, Hydrocarbon exploration, in A.N. Rencz, Remote Sensing for the Earth Sciences: Manual of Remote Sensing, Volume 3 (Manchester: John Wiley & Sons), p. 449-508.
3- Biegert, E.K., R.N. Baker, J.L. Berry, S. Mott, and S. Scantland, 1997, Gulf Offshore Satellite Applications Project detects oil slicks using Radarsat: Proceedings of the International Symposium Geomatics in the Era of RADARSAT (GER’97), Ottawa, Canada, May, 1997.
4- MacDonald, I.R, J.F. Reilly, Jr., S.E. Best, R. Venkataramaiah, R. Sassen, N.L. Guinasso, Jr., and J. Amos, 1996, Remote sensing inventory of active oil seeps and chemosynthetic communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico, in D. Schumaker and M. A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 27-37.
5- Mello, M.R., R. Mossman, and F.P. Miranda, 2001, Foz do Amazonas area: the last frontier for elephant hydrocarbon accumulations in the South Atlantic realm, in M. Downey, J. Threet, and W. Morgan, ed., Petroleum of the twenty-first century: AAPG Memoir 74, p. 403-414.
6- Miranda, F.P., C.M. Bentz, C.H. Beisl, J.A. Lorenzzetti, C.E.S. Araújo, and C.L. Silva, Jr., 1998, Application of unsupervised semivariogram textural classification of RADARSAT-1 data for the detection of natural oil seeps offshore the Amazon River Mouth: Proceedings of the RADARSAT ADRO Symposium, Montreal, Canada, October 1998.
7- Miranda, F.P., C.M. Bentz, E.C. Pedroso, C.H. Beisl, and L. Landau, 2001, Seepage slick detection in the Brazilian continental margin using RADARSAT-1 data: Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, June 2001.
8- Miranda, F.P., A.M.Q. Marmól, E.C. Pedroso, C.H. Beisl, L. Medrano, and P. Welgan, 2002, Analysis of RADARSAT-1 data for offshore monitoring activities in the Cantarell Complex, Gulf of Mexico, using the Unsupervised Semivariogram Textural Classifier (USTC). Submitted to the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, RADARSAT-2 Special Issue.
9- Sabins, F.F., 1996, Remote sensing: principles and interpretation / Floyd F. Sabins - 3rd ed.
10- Thrasher, J., A.J. Fleet, S.H. Hay, M. Hovland, and S. Düppenbecker, 1996, Understanding geology as the key to using seepage in exploration: spectrum of seepage styles, in D. Schumacher and M.A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 223-241.