Information - Doctor’s Degree

Doctorate students must complete 540 credit hours (including those completed in Master`s programs) with a minimum CRA (Cumulative Performance Coefficient, Portuguese acronym in) of 2.0 and be approved in a Qualifying Examination to qualify as a Doctorate Candidate, i.e. to begin their thesis research. The deadline for the Qualifying Examination for scholarship students is 2 years after the start of the doctorate program. The deadline for students not receiving grants is 3 years after starting in the doctorate program. The title of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) will be awarded to students after approval by an Examining Board in a public defense of their thesis. Full-time scholarship students must defend their thesis no later than 4 years after their entry in the doctorate program. Students without grants have a statutory period of up to 5 years to hold their thesis defense.






A.1 The rules of the selection process for candidates to the Doctorate Course of the Civil Engineering Program (PEC, Portuguese acronym in) of the COPPE/UFRJ are set out in the Selection Announcement available in the PEC webpage.


II. CANDIDACY FOR THE DOCTOR'S DEGREE. A doctorate student will be accepted as a Doctoral Candidate by the PEC after meeting the following requisites: II.1. Complete at least 180 credit hours, in addition to those obtained in subjects taken during a Master`s Program, with a minimum CRA (Cumulative Performance Coefficient) of 2.0, of which at least 90 credit hours must be obtained in subjects taken in COPPE/UFRJ. Scholarship students must additionally attend two periods of Teaching Training.

Obs.: PEC/COPPE doctorate students will have their registration cancelled if they fail (obtain grade D) in any subject they take.


II.2. Attest proficiency in English according to the requisites of the PEC.


II.3. Be approved in a qualifying examination before an examining board comprising the candidate`s Advisor(s) and at least two other members with Doctoral Degrees; it is recommended that at least one of them not be a member of the PEC. The examination will consist in an oral argumentation of the candidate's thesis proposal. This proposal must be presented to the members of the examining board as a monograph at least 15 days in advance, and should include the following topics:

> Presentation of the candidate's expertise in the fields of knowledge encompassing the thesis' research area, so that the board can assess the candidate's acquired knowledge.

> Critical analysis of the results concerning the subject of the candidate's thesis which can be achieved through the work the student proposes to develop in conjunction with his advisor.

> Presentation of the thesis proposal clearly showing its originality and relevance for science or society.

  • > Presentation of the steps to be undertaken for completion of the thesis within the remaining time.


II.4. The deadline for holding the qualifying examination for full-time students (TI, Portuguese acronym in) is 2 years; this term can exceptionally be extended pending evaluation by the PEC Academic Committee. The deadline for part-time students (TP, Portuguese acronym in) is 3 years, exceptionally extendable for 6 additional months.

III – DEGREE AWARDING The degree of Doctor of Science in Civil Engineering will be awarded to candidates whose thesis is approved by an examining board composed in accordance with the rules of the CPGP/COPPE within the following time limits: • 48 months for full-time (TI) scholarship students, exceptionally admitting two six month extensions if appropriately justified and approved by the Academic Committee of the PEC. • 60 months for full-time (TI) students without a scholarship or for part-time (TP) students, exceptionally admitting two six month extensions if approved by the Academic Committee of the PEC.
Observation: Complementary information can be found within the COPPE/UFRJ's Rules for students (




Scholarships from CAPES or CNPq (Social Demand Grants) may be granted to full-time (TI) students without permanent employment. In some exceptional cases, scholarships may be granted to employed students if they are legally released to attend COPPE full time. Another form of scholarship is intended for Brazilian university professors or technicians and granted by the home institution through the Institutional Program for Teacher and Technical Training (PICDT/CAPES). Foreign students may apply for scholarships from the Covenant Students Program – Graduation (PEC-PG) with the appropriate Brazilian diplomatic representation (embassy or consulate) in their country of origin. The application deadlines for PEC-PG scholarships must be obtained directly from Brazilian diplomatic representations abroad. Foreign candidates may exceptionally be awarded Social Demand Grants in specific circumstances.



Academic Department                                                                               
Elizabeth Cornélio, Jairo A. Leite and Michael Monteiro

Centro de Tecnologia (Technology Centre) – B Block - Room 101 - Ilha do Fundão (Fundão Island)                      
P.O. Box 68506 – Postal Code: 21941-942                                                     
Rio de Janeiro - RJ                                                                                   

Telephones (+55 - 0-XX-21) 2562-8463 or (+55 - 0-XX-21) 2562-7390
Fax number (+55 - 0-XX-21) 2562-8464

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