Laboratory for Computational Methods in Engineering - LAMCE
The Laboratory for Computational Methods in Engineering has worked for more than 20 years in research, formulation and development of numerical methods in Computational Mechanics applied to Engineering, Geoscience and Scientific Visualization Methods.
Nowadays, it is one of the biggest laboratories in COPPE: professors, researchers, technical and administrative staff, internships and postgraduate students are in total more than 100 people.
Its scientific production is composed of about 50 doctoral theses, 160 master dissertations, ten graduation works, more than a hundred scientific papers published and eight book chapters.
The Laboratory has a wide portfolio of projects, totaling over 130 technology projects developed in partnership with domestic and foreign companies and funding agencies, more than twenty agreements and interchanges with national institutes, and over seventeen agreements with international organizations.
The creation of the Human Resources Program PRH02 - Qualification of Civil Engineering for Oil & Gas Sector of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) - is a result of research activities developed over the past three decades in LAMCE along with CENPES. The program is dedicated to the training of human resources both at the undergraduate level, acting in the course of Petroleum Engineering at the Polytechnic School of UFRJ, as well at the stricto sensu post-graduate (masters and doctorate), linked to the Civil Engineering Program in COPPE / UFRJ.
The technology results are passed on to society through the publication of scientific papers, training of human resources and development of projects and technical advisory services.
Research lines
2.1 Computational Mechanics
This area develops and implements simulators via discrete methods such as finite element methods, finite differences and discrete elements applied to numerical solution of engineering problems, both in general and more specifically for the oil and gas industry.
2.2. Environmental modeling
Research and development of computer models for simulation of atmospheric and oceanic processes at different spatial scales through the analysis of environmental data; modeling of pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere, oceans and rivers; Climate modeling associated with variability processes and climate changes.
2.3. Geophysics modeling
Development and implementation of computational algorithms for simulation of wave propagation in different physical media; new techniques for depth seismic imaging.
2.4. Remote Sensing
Development of remote sensing techniques for oil spills detection in the marine environment associated to seepage or leakage; research on sensitivity of terrestrial biomes and aquatic ecosystems to potential environmental impacts of oil industry activities; analysis and data mining from spatial data using geostatistics and fuzzy logic; processing of radar images (filter settings, contrast, highlights, resolutions, etc..) in order to highlight parts that may indicate oil leakage or exudation; identification of potential oil leaks by image analysis.
2.5. Scientific Visualization
Development and application of techniques of computer graphics and virtual reality in the processing and representation of scientific data; development and application of GIS tools and techniques for visualizing large data sets in real time.
The research groups of the Laboratory for Computational Methods in Engineering-LAMCE are divided into four different locations. The LAMCE, which is located in room I 214 at Technology Center, houses the Computational Mechanics and Environmental Modeling groups, as well as the General Coordination and support of Information Technology and Communication Management. The LAbSar - Laboratory Radar Remote Sensing applied to Oil Industry occupies room I-114 at Technology Center and houses the Remote Sensing group. The Lab2M - Multidisciplinary Modeling Laboratory, located in CT2, houses the Geophysics Modeling group. Finally, the group of Scientific Visualization is installed on the new building at the Technological Park.
These units offer accommodations for researchers, offices, meeting rooms, and an extensive computer park, composed of microcomputers, workstations and laptops connected to physical servers that provide Internet services, e-mail and backup, as well as laser inkjet printers. The computational park is constantly renewed in order to meet the requirements of projects and researches developed at the Laboratory. The Lab2M unit has also environment satellite antennas.
The LAMCE unit has a multimedia room equipped with audiovisual and networked computers located in LAMCE headquarters for academic activities, training and events, as well as a classroom in Lab2M.
Technology Park Unit houses a supercomputer with 7,200 processors and total computing capacity of 64.63 Teraflops (floating point operations per second), whose primary mission is to support innovative research in Oil and Gas, Environment and Climate Change, especially within the scope of research Institute for Climate COPPE. It also houses a visualization cave that changes scientific data into three-dimensional images projected on the walls and ceiling, with resources for imaging, sound and interaction.
Centro de Tecnologia - Bloco I - Sala 214
Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149
Cidade Universitária
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Phone number +55 (21) 2562-8412 / 8413 – Fax: +55 (21) 2562-8414
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Holder professors
Luiz Landau, DSc. (Coordenador Geral)
José Luis Drummond Alves, D.Sc.
Alvaro Luiz Gayoso de Azeredo Coutinho, D.Sc. (NACAD)
Nelson Francisco FavillaEbecken, D.Sc. (NTT)
Contributer professors
Audálio Rebelo Torres Júnior, D.Sc.
Celeste Yara dos Santos Siqueira, D.Sc.
Cristina JasbinschekHaguenauer, D.Sc.
Débora de Almeida Azevedo, D.Sc.
Fernando Pellon de Miranda, D.Sc.
Paulo Couto, D.Sc.
Technicians and administrative staff
Technical-administrative and researchers of UFRJ
Gerson Gomes Cunha, D.Sc.
Humberto Buffoni, MSc.
Jaci Maria Bernardo da Silva Guigon, D.Sc.
Lúcia Carvalho Coelho, D.Sc.
Luís Fernando Nunes Mello, D.Sc.
Mônica Caruso Stoque, B.Sc.
Patrick Muller de Andrade, B.Sc.
Ricardo de Souza Alencar, M.Sc.
Roberto Franco Pitombo, B.Sc.
Technical and research staff
Adriano de Oliveira Vasconcelos, D.Sc.
Carlos Eduardo da Silva, M.Sc.
Carlos Henrique Beisl, D.Sc.
Cezar Henrique Veiga da Costa, M.Sc.
Fábio Gouvêa Andrezo Carneiro, M.Sc.
Fábio Roque da Silva Moreira, D.Sc.
Fernando Cruz Taboada da Silva, B.Sc.
HatsueTakanaca de Decco, D. Sc.
Leandro Carlos Gazoni, M.Sc.
Luiz Paulo Freitas Assad, D.Sc.
Márcio de Araújo Martins, M.Sc.
Marco Antonio Mattos dos Santos, B.Sc.
Maria Célia Santos Lopes, D.Sc.
Mário Luiz Ribeiro, M.Sc.