COC 833 - Caracterização Avançada de Materiais Asfálticos
- i.•Teoria da viscoelasticidade linear
- ii.• Preliminares matemáticas
- iii.• Reposta dependente do tempo
- iv.• Creep compliance, módulo de relaxação e módulo complexo
- v.• Análogos mecânicos (modelos de Voigt, Maxwell, Wiechert, etc.)
- vi.• Equações constitutivas viscoelásticas
- vii.• Integral hereditária
- viii.• Superposição tempo-temperatura
- ix.• Interconversão entre propriedades viscoelásticas
- x.•Ensaios Laboratoriais
- xi.• Parâmetros de entrada e análise dos resultados
xii• Regressão - série de Prony e outros
[1] Livros
[3] Kim, Y.R. (2009). Modeling of Asphalt Concrete, Y. Richard Kim. 1ª edição. The MacGraw-Hill Companies.
[4] Huang, Y.H. (2004). Pavement Analysis and Design. 2ª edição. Pearson. Prentice Hall.
[5] Christensen, R. M. (1982). Theory of Viscoelasticity. 2ª edição. New York: Academic Press.
[6] Kim, Y. (2006). Inelastic Behavior of Construction Materials. Notas de aula do professor Youngsoo Richard Kim.
[7] Souza, F. V. e Soares, J. B. (em desenvolvimento). Viscoelasticidade. Apostila de autoria de Flávio Souza e do professor Jorge Barbosa Soares.
[9] Artigos científicos, dissertações e teses
[11] Kim, Y. R.; & Aragão, F. T. S. (2013). Microstructure Modeling of Rate-dependent Fracture Behavior in Bituminous Paving Mixtures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, v. 63, 23-32.
[12] Aragão, F. T. S. & Kim, Y. R. (2012). Mode I Fracture Characterization of Bituminous Paving Mixtures at Intermediate Service Temperatures. Experimental Mechanics, to appear.
[13] Aragão, F. T. S.; Kim, Y. R. & Haft-Javaherian, M. (2012) Modeling Rate-dependent Fracture Behavior of Asphalt Mixtures. In Transportation Research Board, TRB (DVD), National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
[14] Aragão, F. T. S. (2011). Computational Microstructure Modeling of Asphalt Mixtures Subjected to Rate-Dependent Fracture. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Lincoln, NE, USA.
[15] Aragão, F. T. S.; Kim, Y. R.; Lee, J. & Allen, D. H. (2011). Micromechanical Model for Heterogeneous Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Subjected to Fracture Failure. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, v. 23, No. 1, pp. 30-38.
[16] Aragão, F. T. S. & Kim, Y. R. (2011). Characterization of Fracture Properties of Asphalt Mixtures Based on Cohesive Zone Modeling and Digital Image Correlation Technique. In Transportation Research Board, TRB (DVD), National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
[17] Aragão, F. T. S. & Kim, Y. R. (2010). Modeling Fracture and Failure of Heterogeneous and Inelastic Asphaltic Materials Using the Cohesive Zone Concept and the Finite Element Method. Proceedings of the 2010 ASCE GeoFlorida Congress: Advances in Analysis, Modeling & Design. West Palm Beach, FL, pp. 2662-2671.
[18] Aragão, F. T. S.; Kim, Y. R.; Karki, P. & Little, D. N. (2010). Semi - Empirical, Analytical, and Computational Predictions of Dynamic Modulus of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2181, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 19-27.
[19] Aragão, F. T. S.; Lee, J.; Kim, Y. R. & Karki, P. (2010). Material-Specific Effects of Hydrated Lime on the Properties and Performance Behavior of Asphalt Mixtures and Asphaltic Pavements. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, v. 24, pp. 538-544.
[20] Kim, Y. R.; Aragão, F. T. S.; Allen, D. H. & Little, D. N. (2010). Damage Modeling of Bituminous Mixtures Considering Mixture Microstructure, Viscoelasticity, and Cohesive Zone Fracture. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 37, pp. 1125-1136.
[21] Aragão, F. T. S.; Kim, Y. R.; Lee, J. & Soares, J. B. (2009). A Micromechanical Model for Predicting the Dynamic Modulus of Heterogeneous and Rate-Dependent Asphalt Concrete Mixtures. Proceedings of the IV Simpósio Internacional de Avaliação de Pavimentação e Projetos de Reforço. Fortaleza, Brazil: Associação Brasileira de Pavimentação (ABPv).
[22] Aragão, F. T. S. (2007). Effects of Aggregates on Properties and Performance of Mastics and Superpave Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Lincoln, NE, USA.